Will You Carry On?

During the course of your life it’s inevitable that you’ll run across many challenges and struggles.

Financial, physical, emotional, personal, professional, and any other way that is possible.

The question that must be asked either directly or indirectly, intuitively or unconsciously, is “Will you carry”.

You lose a loved one: Will you carry on?

Will you let this adversity stop you or alter you in a negative way for the remainder of your life or Will you carry on?

Have to go under the knife for whatever reason? Will you carry on?

Your lover cheats on you, ruins your finances, can’t be trusted…Will you carry on?

Inner office politics keeping you from your potential? Will you carry on?

Have a bad start in life due to opportunity, family, socio-economic turbulence…Will you carry on?

Whatever it is that you run up against.  Will you carry on?

Will you get back up, get moving, and carry on?

Will you put the pieces back together, wiser, and carry on?

The human experience is all anyone really has during the time they’re allotted on earth.

The question that should be asked whenever there’s struggle. Or in the absence of knowing what to do when adversity strikes is always…Will you carry on?