Today was a good day.
I hit all reps on all sets with the determined weight during my early morning workout.
Not as heavy of weight that I have used before but increase over the previous workout with the same sets and exercises.
A few weeks back I experienced a technical breakdown during my first working set on the last day of exercise for that week. In short I hurt my back – nothing too serious but enough that I had to drastically change that workout, several after that, and take a week off altogether the week following.
Getting back to it, after a false start due to hurricane Irma interrupting everything in Florida for a week, this is the third day back during the first full week (of a four day routine).
I’m fosusing more on form and movement before ramping back up the weight and changing routines.
Sometimes hitting the “Reset” button is necessary and most helpful. Whether it be forced as in my recent experience, or voluntary. This not exclusive to physical exercise but to ANY area in life.
A break does several things:
1. Gives you time to reevaluate that particular area and make adjustments.
2. Gives the Central Nervous System a needed break. The central nervous system is effected by everything in your life (diet, stress, exercise, emotions, job situation). Everything either helps or hurts, everything counts.
3. Allows for other activities to fill that time/energy/thought/etc.
4. Gives time for remotivation, recharging the desire if that area/activity is to be pursued further.
In this particular instance I look back and see a few factors that led to the technical breakdown. The lesson to be learned is to not let that happen in the future.