Yep. I messed up.
I messed it up, I failed, I tripped, I fell.
I got dirty. I skinned my knees. I bruised my elbows.
Sometimes knowingly, sometimes by accident. Sometimes through ignorance, other times through arrogance.
Sometimes by not listening to the advice of others. Sometimes because I listened to the advice of others.
But it’s not that I failed, will fail, or as I age and continue trying to better myself, my life, my family, my finances and my future, that I’ll not fail anymore.
I know I will.
Yep. I’m human. Yep, I’m not perfect.
It’s that I Will Get Back Up!
I will continue on. I won’t let any temporary failure keep me down. Not for long anyway.
Failure is in not getting back up again. Failure is living in the past of any mistake, percieved or real, that you continue to relive everytime you walk through it mentally – and not analyze what you could do differently next time.
Failure is expecting different results from the same input, equation, the same situation without anything else changing.
Failure is letting your pet alibis and excuses hold you back from trying again and not continuing to try until you reach the goal.
Failure is deluding yourself into thinking that the situation will get better without YOU getting better.
Oh yeah. You will fall. You will fail, temporarily. You’ll mess it up. You’ll have to clean it up. You’ll have to heal the skinned knees and bruised elbows.
But that’s part of the process.
Living is not failing. Living is failing, getting back up again and not letting up until you win.