New Training Techniques

Over the past few months since writing last I’ve learned about and tried some new (new to me) training techniques and programs.

One program I completed one cycle – three weeks and one deload week. This was an intense program that used alot of pressing and I found was hard on my shoulders. I decided not to continue with it but next utilized some other different techniques into my workouts until I started a different training program.

New technique #1: Cluster sets. Here the idea is to do say 5 repititions of an exercise, rest 15 seconds, do 5 more reps, rest 15 seconds, etc. You would follow along in this manner for 5 minutes before moving onto the next exercise.

The concept is to complete more volume in a shorter period of time. Great idea – and it works!

In execution I was surprised to realize that this is some form of hell. Really.

I came to understand quickly how humbling and painful this is. I found myself inwarding hoping the 5 minutes were up. At the end the reps bebacame difficult.

The next exercise was even more difficult. I look back and kind of chuckle at how humbling/painful/difficult cluster sets are.

New technique #2: Rest Pause. I’m currently working in a program that uses rest-pause.

Rest Pause is similar to cluster sets. You complete a normal working set, rest 20 seconds, complete as many more reps as possible without technical breakdown, rest another 20 seconds, then complete as many more reps again for a total of three “mini” sets.

So far I’m one week complete, with two more weeks to come, followed by a fourth deload week. This program also uses new and different (to me) exercises in conjuntion to the main lifts. I like it so far and seems less brutal than the others mentioned here. Take into account that I’m no slouch when it comes to training.