Power Bodybuilding

Today I completed day three of week one following Mike O’Hearn’s Power Bodybuilding.

I first encountered this on Bodybuilding.com some years ago. At that time I took some interest, watched the videos (mainly for motivation), read all the webpages and downloaded the 12 week pdf.

I would occasionally revisit the program, never following it, but gained motivation from the videos from time to time.

Now Bodybuilding.com has monetized all their programs – you have to pay a monthly fee to access any of their programs. Luckily, I retained the info from before and all the videos can be found on youtube.

Saturday I started the program with a commitment to follow it through until the end. Sixty workouts in total (5 days a week for 12 weeks). I’m training Saturday through Wednesday – Thursday and Friday are off days.

Some modifications were necessary due to equipment limitations – I have no leg press, leg extension, cable machines, etc. Though the substitutions in exercises should suffice.

So far it’s more volume than I have done in the past few months. Also it’s five days/week compared to three days/week I’ve been doing. A different aspect is doing one body part per day as opposed to three body parts three days per week following the Starting Strength Novice routine.

I followed Starting Strength Novice routine only to get my strength and form back up to par after some time off. I talked about this a couple posts ago. It got to be too much of a burden on my CNS and I knew a change was in order.

I’ll have to report back on my progress and thoughts on Power Bodybuilding as the program progresses and/or I complete it. In the meantime I’ve purchased the Power Bodybuilding DVD form mikeohearn.com and have been watching many Mike O’Hearn videos on youtube.

I’ll keep you posted.