Hello 2019!

Yes, it is now 2019. Time flies, as they say. The month of January has already slipped by, one twelfth of the year history so far.

Looking back I thought that by now, by this year, by this age…I would have accomplished more in certain areas of life than I have. Though life has a way of changing plans and altering motivations and priorities.

Am I apprehensive about not reaching certain goals? Am I upset that my energies and motivations have been changed?

No. I don’t think so.

I look to the future with positive expectation. Renewed goals in certain areas to succeed and be the best I can. I have started some things that I had not yet begun in years past. And I have a more solid foundation with which to grow from. Relationships have been renewed and strengthened. The persistence I have shown in some areas carry over into others.

And I gain wisdom from experiencing things that I thought I would never have to experience. New goals have been set for this year. New actions implemented.

The future is bright with the possibilities! It is my mission to reach as many of those possibilities that are within the goals set with memories to be created, and life to be savored.

It should not go without saying that I am grateful and thankful for all. The good, the bad, the mundane.

It’s your life, what are you going to do with it? I know what I’m doing.