Is anyone in here?
Oh, Hi…there you are.
It’s been a long time, let’s see – July 2019!
Well, where have you been this whole time? This…March, April, May, June…one year and nine months?
Let’s see – the last thing we have here is “It’s Not Over Until I Win!” – Les Brown. And who better to deliver that message than Les.
That’s been a buzzword lately. Go ahead and call me old fashioned, but I never grasped onto all that business of what’s old is new again stuff.
Sure, I can use it and apply it but in my personal life everything has a late 80s and early 90s reference point. You know all the stuff that’s now politically incorrect and/or socially unacceptable.
Pivot – Reinvention.
As far as I can tell both mean the same. Pivot sounds nicer, like it involves less work. Reinvention, a buzzword you don’t hear much anymore, sounds like a lot of work.
Both would describe the last year or so. Where does that put me?
April 2020, I came to the realization that I no longer enjoyed working where I work. I became tired of the way things are there and know that they’ll never change much.
I make good money there. Working there has brought about many desirable changes in lifestyle and standard of living. I could probably stay there until I retire.
But the older I get, the more intolerant I become with wasting my time on things I don’t enjoy. I also fully believe I can make the same amount of money with more time freedom doing something else.
I look back ten years to something I pursued once before. Something that has the potential to multiply my income. Maybe double what I make now, then double it again.
A stretch? Sure.
Immediate? I don’t think so.
Here’s what I see. Within a year’s time, replace my current income.
The next step is to double that. Maybe within five years. Maybe sooner, who knows.
Then to double it again.
I believe it’s totally possible. I believe it can be done working the same amount of time I do now, or less. Though definitely not on the same schedule I have now.
Time is passing with seemingly increasing speed as I age.
Do I feel old?
Do I realize my mortality?
And I know that at some time in the future…could be thirty years, forty years, fifty years from now this show will be over.
The time is now to “pivot” as they now say. Or if I back up ten years or so, to “reinvent” myself.
The time will pass anyway.
And I don’t want to waste any of my remaining time settling for less.
It’s time to get busy. It’s time to get to work.
And then…check back in six months or a year to see where we are. Progress. Measure. Improve.
Oh, and getting back to the whole “where the hell have you been?” (I still never really like “harsh language like that – but the theatrics of language do have effect, don’t they?)
OK, let me answer the question that you haven’t asked.
Following April 2020’s realization, I got back to work.
Ten years since digging into information that will help me pivot. So, I reviewed previous courses and trainings – info products – books, courses, audio programs, etc.
I re-learned information that I went through before. Getting back up to speed as you say. And acquired more info. The common “advice” is to not get bogged down with paralysis of analysis.
I don’t think I have.
I want to be the best at what I put my energy towards.
I did it in sales. I bought and studied many books, courses, and trainings. And through the application of that knowledge became one of the best in the country at what I do.
That’s not me saying it. I have the awards, plaques, and acknowledgments to prove it. My income proves it.
If I pivot (while I pivot is more accurate), I want the best chance at success. I want to be and will become one of the best at this new endeavor.
People have different interests. Football, music, various hobbies.
Mine has always been learning and acquisition of knowledge of those things that are of interest to me.
It just so happens that since an early age I preferred to read about and learn things that are of a more practical nature than something else.
An example for reference. Growing up my parents had a set of World Book Encyclopedias. A – Z, and a couple others. I always enjoyed picking one up and reading it. Front to back.
If you’re going to pivot or reinvent, I see nothing wrong with getting your hands on the best information from those who lead the field.
So here I am a year later. With lots of info. And enough information to study and learn from for the next twenty years and beyond.
Silly? No. I enjoy it. And it will help me to be the best I can be.
Time to get busy. So much to do and not enough time to do it.
And feel free to check back often. Picking this back up is part of the journey. It’s part of the learning. It serves a few purposes.
And if you ever get knocked down or feel overwhelmed with anything, always remember…
“It’s Not Over Until I Win!” – Les Brown