Hello 2022!

New Year’s Day 2022 fell on a Saturday. This, in and of itself, was quite interesting.

See, as in any other new year, where there is this kind of built in artificial “new beginning”, people make all sorts of resolutions…

To lose weight, get in better shape – physically, mentally, financially, emotionally…

Spend more time on “what’s important”, to build a better business…

Or to do more of the things that add meaning to our rather short years here on this wonderful planet of ours, interacting with the other inhabitants.

I was having a conversation with my daughter, who is thirteen, while driving to the store Saturday morning. We were going shopping for regular grocery items. I made the observation that the roads were noticeably clear of the usual traffic at the same time on any other morning.

My daughter is very bright and perceptive, even at her age. She came to the conclusion that everyone had stayed up too late on New Year’s eve…and that’s why no one was out yet.

They were all sleeping in.

To the uninformed observer, this seems terribly amiss. Here we are, on New Year’s Day 2022

On a beautiful Saturday morning on the east coast of Florida….the temperature still in the 70s…

And no one was out of bed or had left their homes yet.

A “brand new” year…most people are off of work…

New Year’s resolutions to make 2022 a “better year” than the year past…

With great plans and ideas for improvement…

And everyone was still at home.

Now, there is the remote possibility that all these people were up early, having a solid healthy breakfast, getting some exercise and meditation in before sitting down and mapping out their ambitious endeavors for the big plans and ideas they have for 2022…

Setting year end goals for each of the five major areas of their lives…

Breaking down the yearly goals into quarterly milestones….

Further examining each quarter and setting monthly targets…

Each month’s objectives dialed down to weekly guideposts…

And each week scrutinized and daily performance tasks set…

With occasional reviews and analysis built in – the necessary feedback mechanisms that can provide course corrections, if needed along the way…

Ensuring the goals are achieved.

But, somehow I doubt anyone was up early on this Saturday morning – New Year’s Day 2022 doing anything even close to what I just described.

I had this conversation with my daughter as I was driving to the market.

It’s through these discussions with her, and my son when he goes with me, that I can guide their thinking.

Not by direct discourse – but through observation of this, and other things. I feel that by doing so, they will stop and think – and make their own informed conclusions – and not merely follow along in the herd mentality that most people do.

I look at the road ahead in most things…and I know how that trip plays out for most people. I want more out of life and through my guidance as a parent (along with my wonderful wife) our children will be better off, and make better decisions as they mature and define their lives.

So, if you’re reading this, and you haven’t mapped out your goals for 2022. Now, today, January 3, 2022 – Monday morning – is THE time to do it.

I assure you, if you follow the rather simple plan laid out above…

That when December 31, 2022 rolls around – New Year’s eve – you’ll have much more to be grateful for than if you had done otherwise.

And let that set the course for New Year’s day 2023. With a similar plan of action. Each year building on each other.

This will create a life worth being proud of, and less regret in old age.

The time will pass anyway – why not make the most of it!

Happy New Year!