The Revolutionary War was fought over a long and bloody 8 years, 4 months, 2 weeks and 1 day…
More than 3,000 days in total.
One day in particular stands out among them.
July 4th 1776…
Independence Day!
The Fourth of July…
The official “birth” of our nation, The United States of America.
For anyone who lives in the US, this is a day of celebration (whether you choose to celebrate or not)?
For this is America – and we are proud of the freedoms our forefathers fought and died for.
Hard won victories with the promise of freedom for anyone who lives here.
Not too many people stop to think about what was going on at the time. Here were a bunch of colonists challenging the most powerful empire in the world.
Failure meant death to anyone involved!
Victory meant an unseen and unknown future.
But what our forefathers did know was what they didn’t want. And that was worth fighting for.
That was worth risking life for.
And today we live to enjoy what the last 246 years have produced.
God Bless America!
. . .
Be not dismayed if you are not as far along as you like. Do not be discouraged if you haven’t achieved what you want out of life thus far.
You live in the best country in the world. Opportunity lies around every corner.
It may not be easy, but you and I have it much easier than many who trod the path before us.
If we fail in our attempts we can get back up and try again. We don’t risk death for pursuing what we want.